Sep 14, 2023

Faster scouting and better advice, new Crop-Scanner™ digitises IPM decision making

Biobest’s Crop-Scanner™ platform helps growers to quickly and accurately scout their crops, which will significantly improve their IPM Strategy. The innovative app and web dashboard enable growers and their Biobest advisors to remotely monitor diseases and pests and determine trends in the crop. In addition, accurate data collection and visualisation contribute to insights that help plan upcoming seasons.

Digitalisation offers horticulture new opportunities, and Biobest is leading the way with its Crop-Scanner™. This smart, data-driven tool supports biological crop protection across the board: from identifying pests, reporting, exchanging advice to timely and systematic intervention. The application works on smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs and is available for iOS and Android.

Scouting and registering pests

“The principle is simple, and the functionalities are numerous”, says Sam Gui, Market Development Manager High Tech IPM at Biobest. “The grower can draw their greenhouses on the application. The grower and his/her employees can then indicate where a particular pest has been observed and what stage it is in. Photos and notes can be added while scouting.”


Crop-Scanner™ also includes an automatic counting function. This Trap-Scanner™ function recognises six pests and insects. “The method is as simple as it is effective,” Sam continues. “Take a photo of a sticky trap with your phone and Trap-Scanner™ will count the different insects and display them in Crop-Scanner™ reports.” To make optimal use of this functionality, Biobest developed special Trap-ID™ trap cards. The unique design of this trap card ensures that Trap-Scanner™ can count the entire card surface. 

Collecting and analysing data

The grower and his Biobest advisor analyse the data together and use this information to develop specific control strategies. “The constant availability of current and historical monitoring data will lead to better advice and therefore a healthier crop,” says Sam. By digitising data, decisions are better substantiated. The history provides insight into the progress of previous crops, so growers can fine-tune their planning for coming seasons.

High-tech connections

Biobest trains all its advisors to support growers in the use of Crop-Scanner™. The platform is being offered in phases. Belgium, the Netherlands, UK, USA, Canada and Kenya are the first in line. At the same time, we are working on further expanding the functionalities. In the near future, it will be possible to connect other high-tech applications such as Trap-Eye™. For even more convenience and even better results.