Sep 02, 2024

Optimising Echinothrips monitoring and control with Bug-Scan® Green and Vespiformis-System

To optimise the monitoring and control of Echinothrips, Biobest has recently introduced a total solution with two new products: Bug-Scan® Green sticky traps and Vespiformis-System. The green sticky traps offer an improved approach for detecting this difficult-to-monitor pest. They have been proven to be seven times more attractive to Echinothrips than traditional yellow or blue traps. Meanwhile, Vespiformis-System provides growers with an effective and sustainable option for controlling Echinothrips.

Echinothrips is a significant greenhouse pest, attacking over 45 plant families worldwide with primary greenhouse hosts including ornamentals, sweet peppers, cucumbers, and eggplants.

What to look out for

Echinothrips americanus Morgan, commonly known as ‘Echinothrips’, is rarely found in flowers and typically resides on the lower leaf surface,” explains Koen Merkus, IPM and Pollination Specialist. “They feed by scraping the plant surface and ingesting sap, causing silvery-grey spots. Infested leaves often display black specks, which are thrips frass.”

Challenging to monitor

Echinothrips are known to fly less frequently than Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). As a result, they spread more slowly through crops and are less likely to be caught on sticky traps hanging in the crop. “For a thrips species that rarely flies, attractive sticky traps are essential for successful scouting,” says Yannah Cornelis, Product Manager for monitoring and scouting. “Our trials show that the new Bug-Scan® Green sticky traps significantly outperform other coloured traps in this respect.”

“To optimise Echinothrips monitoring, we recommend hanging the green traps low down in the crop. These new Bug-Scan® Green sticky traps will make detecting and monitoring this pest simpler, quicker, and more reliable.”

A tough species

In practice, predatory mites commonly used against first-instar larvae of Western Flower Thrips are less effective against first-instar Echinothrips larvae. This may be due to the thick hairs on their abdomen, which offer better protection. Additionally, Echinothrips exhibit strong defensive behaviour. While many thrips species swing their abdomen to fend off predators, Echinothrips are particularly effective, even raising their abdomen like a scorpion. In short, control of Echinothrips with existing solutions has proven to be a challenge.

Reliable & cost-effective thrips control with Vespiformis-System

In addition to the improved monitoring capabilities of Bug-Scan® Green sticky traps, Biobest now offers Vespiformis-System for effective Echinothrips control. Vespiformis-System features the predatory thrips Franklinothrips vespiformis, which actively targets Echinothrips where they reside – on the leaf. Unlike other biological control agents, that are limited to specific thrips stages or habitat preferences, F. vespiformis actively seeks out and consumes all developmental stages of thrips.

To conclude, by combining Bug-Scan® Green sticky traps with Vespiformis-System, growers can effectively detect and control Echinothrips without chemicals, ensuring healthier and more productive crops.