Jun 13, 2023

Trap-Eye™, the automated and accurate sticky trap monitoring system wins GreenTech Innovation Award

Launched at GreenTech Amsterdam 2023, Biobest’s sticky trap monitoring system Trap-Eye™, employing AI to make IPM scouting automated, accurate, fast and affordable, has won the Innovation Award.

Employing a web-based dashboard, this high-tech system provides growers with a full overview of the pest situation in the greenhouse from anywhere, at any time.

“Developed in collaboration with PATS, we’re delighted our Trap-Eye™ monitoring system has won the Innovation Award,” says Sam Gui, Biobest Market Development Manager High Tech IPM. “Solar powered, the fully automated Trap-Eye™ system devices take pictures of sticky traps and use AI network analyses to identify and count most common flying insects.” 

Trap-Eye™ provides a solid monitoring matrix, greatly augmenting the accuracy and depth of data, facilitating more precise IPM decisions. By generating accurate heat maps pinpointing pest hotspots, introductions of beneficials can be concentrated appropriately, greatly improving IPM performance.

Biobest adviser Marcel Verbeek is overseeing the first Trap-Eye™ installation at a 90ha tomato nursery in the West of the Netherlands. In 2022, Trap-Eye™ was installed in 1ha of a 4ha artificially lit crop. “Impressed by its monitoring accuracy and labour-saving potential, within two months the grower extended this to 3ha,” says Marcel. “The team has found it easy to install, simple to use and the detailed heat maps extremely useful for making informed IPM decisions – with data easily shared amongst team members and with Biobest advisors remotely.”

“Trap-Eye™ is an important step towards our goal to automate and optimise data collection,” explains Sam. “Good IPM actions follow from data-driven advice. By helping to control pests earlier Trap-Eye™ helps minimise production losses while reducing the need for chemical insecticides.” 

“Ultimately, our high-tech system is set to reduce scouting costs, while at the same time optimise crop yields and quality – delivering a good return on investment.”

To find out how Trap-Eye™ can improve the accuracy and efficiency of pest monitoring visit the Biobest booth at GreenTech 05.525 or click on https://www.trap-eye.com/.