Early intervention, with Montdorensis-System, is enabling growers to stay one step ahead of whitefly and thrips in a broad range of greenhouse crops.
“An efficient generalist predator, Transeius (Amblyseius) montdorensis provides broad spectrum control of various thrips species, as well as greenhouse and tobacco whitefly,” says Ines De Craecker, Product Manager at Biobest. “In addition, crops benefit from its secondary effects on spider mites, russet mites and broad mites.”
A voracious predator, each adult T.montdorensis consumes an average of ten first- and second-instar thrips per day, while also targeting whitefly eggs and larvae. With a robust nature, this predator has an optimum temperature range of 20-30°C. It will continue to develop and reproduce, at a slower rate, at lower temperatures down to 11°C. Due to the absence of diapause, T.montdorensis can also be applied during periods when light levels are low. For its eggs to hatch, it does require a relative humidity of over 60%.
Go-to solution for early protection
“With the help of Nutrimite™ supplementary feed, preventative introductions can be made to create a standing army of Montdorensis-System in the crop, ready to act as soon as the pests appear,” says Ines.
Summarising, she says; “With Montdorensis-System, you can effectively control whitefly and thrips in glasshouse ornamentals, vegetables and soft fruit crops before they become a problem. This powerful predator has become the go-to solution for early protection.”
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