17. Mai 2023

Effective control of fungi in soil

Öffentliches Grün

Öffentliches Grün



The triple action of LALSTOP® K61 WP (formerly Mycostop) prevents the development of soil-borne fungi. This highly effective biological fungicide leaves no residue and is completely MRL-free.

Lawns, public green spaces and sports fields can suffer considerable damage due to Fusarium, Phytium and Rhizoctonia. Preventive application of LALSTOP® K61 provides long-term protection against these root diseases.

Disease-fighting bacteria

LALSTOP® K61 contains a high concentration of mycelia and spores of Streptomyces strain K61, a disease-controlling bacterium that colonises the root of the plant. Once established in the root environment, it effectively controls the development of root diseases. Its action is based on three mechanisms, says Biobest Crop Specialist Gaby van Kemenade.

Triple action

"As the bacteria colonises the plant roots, it deprives the place and nutrients of pathogenic fungi. Secondly, the bacterium produces several substances that suppress plant pathogens. And finally, some of those substances will destroy the cell walls of pathogens."

Multi application

Because combinations with chemical crop protection products are possible, LALSTOP® K61 can be used in different IPM programmes. Moreover, the product is completely biological and safe for the environment, other beneficial insects and users.

Curious about the possibilities for your crop? Then contact your Biobest advisor.